Saturday, Stuart worked and Clark and I enjoyed some early morning yard saleing. It was a pretty uneventful yard sale morning. No major buys. I did find a retired teacher yard sale and bought lots of classroom books and (warning- teacher lingo about to be used!) scored an ENTIRE MILK CRATE OF MAILBOX MAGAZINES for $2.00! That was the highlight of the morning.
Later that afternoon we went to a birthday party. McKenzie turned 2. McKenzie is the daughter of college friends of ours. She had a Candyland themed party and it was super cute. Clark loved the giant sucker decorations and devoured the fully stocked candy bar! It made me very excited for his party in a few weeks, but also made me realize I need come up with some super cute decor. Tarra's decorations were so cute! We got home from the party in time to change clothes, pick up Stuart and head to a cookout with some dear friends and some more cute little boys. It was quite the toddler friendly cookout with baby pool, sprinkler, power wheels and all things little boy friendly. There might have even been adult beverages included for parents too! We had a great time catching up with friends and watching the boys interact with one another. Clark was non-stop until he finally went to bed at 10:00 that night. It was a BIG DAY.
Sunday we all slept in until about 9:00. I fixed French toast for breakfast and we went to church. Later that evening while Stuart played golf Clark and I met Jack, Ginny, Mindy and Drew at an elementary school playground and they were so funny! They are all getting so big and we all just laugh as we watch them interact with one another. After the boys were super hot, sweaty and dirty we took them for ice cream- because what is a little sticky ice cream on top of all that grime? Hey! They loved it and ate every bite. In case you did not know- LITTLE BOYS ARE SO MUCH FUN! If you don't believe me, below are about 20 pictures from our weekend to prove it to you! ENJOY!