1. The kids from my first year teaching are SENIORS this year. They were 3rd graders then and it was a rowdy bunch that kept me on my toes, taught me so much and made me shed many a tears. I may have searched a few of them out on Facebook to see pictures of what they look like today. I hope they are all on paths to greatness. I am in a different county now and don't hear about them so I am curious about what they have become.
2. We went to one of the Snyder favorite spots this weekend- Keeneland. But there was no betting, no cute attire and no adult beverages. This trip was to an event called Touch A Truck. It was an event that Clark got a ticket to for his birthday from our friend Seth. He was very excited and we figured Shep would love it too. It is an event to support the Child Care Council and they have every sort of truck or large mode of transportation available to sit in, honk the horn and get up close and personal with. We had a great time but it was HOT. Seriously HOT. Like sweaty mess hot. Thank goodness for the juice box vendors, FREE ice cream from the Schwan's man and bottled water. The horns were loud, but I would call it a good day.
3. I am in love with FALL. I am excited for it. However, I am not looking forward to patios closing up for the season. I love outdoor dining. I am not sure if it is because I feel like my kids are not as bothersome to others when we are outside or what, but if there is a patio we are on it. This weekend we ate at one of our favorite local spots- Wallace Station. Something about picnic tables, live music, room for Clark to run, and cookies the size of your head makes me extra happy.
4. Ezra is not A. I am sorry if you don't watch PLL (Pretty Little Liars)- but I do. Yes, I know it is childish, mindless, junk but I am addicted and I watch it weekly. I am hooked and last night was the summer finale. No, Ezra is not A. No, I am not sure why a hot, smart grown man would want to mess with teenage girl drama- but I do not think he is A. I think they want us to think he is A- but I am not buying it. Someone at work today said Aria and Ezra were a team and they were both A. I am not buying that either. I really wish I knew- and parts of last night were extra cheesy, like CeeCee hoping up and running away after that fall.... COME ON. It is silly and it is ridiculous but I will be tuned in for the next season. Do you watch? If so will you be tuning in to watch Ravenswood? They jury is still out on that one.
5. Clark had his first day of PreK last week. It was no where near as traumatic as last year. (HERE) However, I did learn that he is one of, if not the tallest and oldest in his class. He is doing kindergarten work. This may be his kindergarten year and I did not know it!! He is doing K work this year and we will have to make a decision at the end of the year what to do with him for next year. His teacher said we would decide based on how much he matures this year. He could go to 1st grade, he could stay and do K with her again or he could go to public K- which here is 1/2 day and might be a small step backward for him. It makes my mind reel to think about it- but I don't have to worry about it for a while. For now I am pretending he is in Pre K and I am just going to watch him enjoy his year.
6. I am doing better at this running bit. I have run at least a few nights/ mornings a week and ran a 5K on Saturday with my friend Mindy and a group of girls. It was a run in Louisville called The Dirty Girl Run. It was a girls only mud run 5K to support breast cancer awareness. It was so much fun. Dirty, gross but challenging and fun! I would recommend it to any group of girls. We had a blast. I was a late addition to the team as someone got hurt and could not race. They had super cute outfits and a Wonder Woman theme and it was loads of laughs and fun with free beer at the end!
7. I am still in love with my new school. My building is dreamy and the people I work with are on top of their games. I am slowly getting the hang of teaching all subjects again. I have one of the best classes I have ever had and the smallest class size I have ever had. I have had some rough years and this year has been such a blessing. I am learning so much and hope that I will be able to make a positive difference on each one of my kid's lives.
8. I am ready for bed and it is 8:45. Did I mention I am ready for the long weekend?? My momma will celebrate a BIG birthday this weekend. It has a 6 and a zero in the number and we are going to get to spend some time with her and I am excited for that.
9. The duo wore some new jammies last night. They are Toy Story pjs that I got ages ago on super duper clearance and they are size 3T, but I decided last night was the night to break them out. They were beyond adorable and Shep was thrilled. He loves Woody. This picture was a huge hit on Facebook last night and I printed it today, framed it and put it on my desk because it makes me smile.
10. Last one. I found out today I am getting a student teacher on Tuesday. Her placement fell through and they needed someone and I volunteered. I know it will be a blessing and I am excited to share my super sweet class with her.
Shew. I am worn out, but somewhat caught up with blogging. ha!! I need to share summer pics and stories and the adorable Lego party pics and Clark's birthday wish post. I had better get to it before the duo's party rolls around in a FEW WEEKS.
I am linking up with fellow twin mom Megan and lots of other people who are random on this Wednesday.

Happy MidWeek Y'all!

I really love their Toy Story PJ's! So so soooo adorable! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 5K - I loved the pictures! I also linked up with Megan for this week's MW Randoms...