Well, it is Teacher Week and I thought that would be no better time to get back in the blog swing. We are in week two of school and I am and have been consumed by all things back to school. I have not even blogged about summer or Clark's birthday party but I am hoping to get back to it. I am hoping that some sort of routine and a computer that is sometimes working will encourage me to read blogs and maybe even post every now and then. I've missed it. No matter my blogging funk, I never miss Teacher Week and I figured there would be no better time that now to get back on the blog wagon.
Today is Meet The Teacher. So here goes...
Meet Mrs. Snyder |
1. I want to be a librarian so badly! I know I will never go back to school to get my library science degree since I have already earned my Master's Degree and my National Board Certification- so I am thinking that the next best thing will be to own a children's book store when I retire from teaching. I am thinking it will be something like The Shop Around The Corner from You've Got Mail. That is not too much to wish for right??!?
2. I am married to a funny, golf loving, super dad. We met in undergrad and were married the summer after my first year teaching. We stayed in our college town and it is now our home. We have three children and a 90 lb. dog. Our oldest is 5 and is in preschool NOT kindergarten like EVERYONE asks about and our twins will be 2 in September. They are a WILD bunch and make us laugh all day, every day.
3. I gave up Diet pop in May and have now turned to sparking water and have an unhealthy obsession with Hansen's Lime Water, and La Croix Grapefruit. I need that fizz and it makes me pretty happy. I try to drink lots of regular water too but the sparkling kind just adds a little pep in my step. If I am in dire need of caffeine I will have an unsweet Tea and I have had a random DDP or DC here and there, but I have definetly kicked the habit.
4. Reading to my class is my all time favorite thing to do. I make it my goal to read to them each day. I LOVE the moans and groans when we have to stop a chapter when time is up! I LOVE when they get so involved in a story that they beg me to continue. I LOVE having conversations about characters and seeing them check out books in the same genre or by the same author after I have finished a book. I love to make them laugh, cry and become part of each book we read. Some of my all time favorite read alouds are Bud, Not Buddy, Love, Ruby Lavender, A Dog's Life, My Father's Dragon and Matilda- Just to name a few.
5. This is year 10 in the classroom for me. I have spent 2 years in 2nd, 5 years in 3rd and this year begins my 3rd year in 5th. I NEVER thought I'd teach 5th grade- NEVER. But I have grown to love it. I would like to go back down someday, but I am enjoying my time with the big kids.
6. I am on an exciting adventure this year. This year I accepted a position at the brand new elementary school in our town. It has been an amazing opportunity. I have met some of the most wonderful people and I am surrounded by the hardest working people in the biz. The building is AMAZING, but the people I work with each day make it even better. There are no slackers. Everyone wanted to be there, everyone gives 100%, everyone has a positive attitude, everyone is forward thinking and is keeping me on my toes! I am teaching 5th grade self contained and it is all new to me. I have never taught 5th grade math or social studies. I feel like it is my first year teaching all over again. The content and planning part have been a challenge but challenges are good for us and I am thankful for the chance to be in this place and am accepting the challenge and giving it all I have. I know this year will be great. We are 6 days into the school year and it has been such a blessing.
Load ONE of 1,987 into the new building. |
Our beautiful library. |
Our cafeteria. |
7. I really want to be a runner. I want to be that girl who runs mile after mile everyday. I make plans to try. I have attempted a few times but I think I am afraid of failing and am a little gun shy. I have a mental block and tell my self that this is the week to make a change almost every week. I am hoping to be in a running /walking routine by my 32nd birthday next month. I set my alarm to run this morning at 5:00 am and hit snooze until 6. Fail. Tomorrow I will try again. Any tips?
8. I am obsessed with children's clothing. I love all things smocked, monogrammed, boutique, appliqued- you name it. I have great taste but REFUSE to pay full price for anything. I am a yard sale, flash sale, consignment sale queen. I love a good deal and it is my favorite hobby to buy my kids cute clothes for fractions of the price. Loads of people ask me what my secrets are and how I find such great deals and the only thins I can think of is that I never stop looking. I am always on the lookout for a good deal. I can spot a name brand from a mile away at a yard sale and know when to stop and when to drive by. It is an art that I have nearly perfected. I think I need a reality show...or maybe just an intervention! ha!
9. My husband and I share a love for pizza. The stranger the pizza the more likely we are to order it. We love specialty pizzas and the best one we've ever had was from a little place in Boston and it had a balsamic salad on top of it. We talk about that pizza at least once a month.
10. I am an Instagram addict. My husband makes fun of me when I talk about my "friends". He always asks if I am talking about my "real friends" or "virtual friends". I have "met" so many twin moms, teacher moms and people who are in a similar phase of life that I am in. It makes my crazy seem less crazy and serves as a great social media outlet. I know that is why my blogging is lacking because I have such a quick share spot on IG. Do I follow you? I am snyderstories. Find me.
It is now 10:15 and I have plans to look over, content to learn and 5th grade job applications to review. I turn in to a pumpkin very soon, so I will close.
Thanks so much for stopping by. If you are new here, HELLO! If you are still following after my leave of absence. I will be back. I have stories to share and I hope to share those soon.
Have a great rest of your day!!

I love these kind of tidbit posts!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great school year!
Awe, welcome back to blog land - I've missed you! :) Your new school looks great! What a fun and encouraging place to be. I'm just getting back into running too. There's really no exercise that makes you feel as productive, exhausted, and worn out - its great. But I have to either go wayyyy early before the kids wake up and hubby's still here or late at night after he gets home and we get the kids in the bed. It takes effort, that's for sure! So great to see you back!
ReplyDeleteYOUR FAMILY IS ADORABLE!!! Seriously!!! I love following you on here and insta because you post the most precious pictures!!!
Hope you have a great year!
And P.S. SO glad you quit Diet Coke!!!
Great post!! Love the classroom. I also love that you are so excited about teaching and being challenged....just hate you aren't close enough to be my kids teacher along the way.
ReplyDeleteAs for running, Abby...you can do it. It's 1 step at a time...commit to 2-3 days a week. 20-30 minutes. Anyone that has twins and another preschooler and rocks their full time job like you do....running is a walk in the park! Email me, ill send you the things I find most helpful
Your kiddos are getting so big!!! And I love that brand new school! So pretty! I've missed your posts and came back to poke around since I'm expecting my first baby only a month into the school year and I know you had your twins in September. Any tips for prepping for back to school with a baby on the way? I'll officially be 9 months pregnant on the first day of school and I don't know how much I should prep or how to set up my room for my leave.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I am not the only two year old twin mommy taking on the challenge of a self contained classroom :) I love your positive outlook on it! I'm starting my week with the same positive outlook! Oh and...I'm a KD too :) Thanks for sharing your life and reminding me that mine is as normal as normal can be!