7 months. SEVEN MONTHS!! We are getting closer and closer to one year and I can hardly believe it. I don't know if we are so busy or what but time is flying!
This month has been a little stressful as we have been worried about them not gaining weight. I mentioned in
THIS POST about the fact that at their 6 month checkup Shep lost a few ounces and SaraKate only gained 6 oz. Because of this we have been on "Operation Baby Beef Up". We have been doing nothing but feeding these babies. We have introduced lots of solids and they are eating three solid meals a day and nursing/taking bottles 4 or 5 times a day. We took them back yesterday for a weight check and since the 6 month appointment Shepard has gained 6 oz and SK 10oz. This is only a 2 oz gain for the big boy since his four month appointment.
SO...Our doc wants us to try adding some formula. I just don't know what to do. They are happy, they are content, they are sleeping 12 hours at night. They do not act like hungry babies. He wants us to give them 3 oz formula bottles after they nurse in the morning. He also wants me to replace one bottle of my milk with 6 oz of formula at the sitter to see if this helps them gain. I understand. I want them to be healthy, but I am not convinced this is the answer. They are to add this to their daily routine and go back in 2 weeks for another weight check.
I have been reading online. YES, I know that can be dangerous. HA! But, I have read from credible sources like
HERE that it is normal for bf babies to grow quickly from birth to 4 months and then very normal for them to slow down at 4 months. So, I have a huge knot in my stomach. I just cannot decide what to do. I have asked my "friends" on IG, I have posted on the twin club message board and I am now posting on here. I just can't stop thinking about it. Wonder what this stress is doing for my supply? ohjeez!
So, we tried giving them formula after they ate this morning and they were full, it was different, they wanted nothing to do with it. Today I am heading to the store to buy Yo Baby yogurt, avocados and anything else high fat and baby friendly I can think of. Do you have any tips?
Other than the feeding frenzy this month they have done all kinds of other great things and continue to make our lives fun, wild and crazy!
Here are the stats of our little ones this month:
Shepard- 13lbs. 14 oz. (5.1 at birth)
Sara Kate- 14lbs 13 oz. (5.11 at birth)
Shepard: 26.5 inches (up from 17 at birth)
Sara Kate: 27 inches (up from 18 at birth)
Diaper Size:
Shepard: Size 3
(barely- only because we were out of 2s. We moved up to 3s. We have still not had to buy any diapers!)
Sara Kate: Size 3
Clothing Size:
Shepard: 3-6 month and 6 months.
Sara Kate: mostly 6 months but I have been washing some 9 month summer stuff because it is HOT.
They are doing great. We have a routine, and it is working. School is out in 20 days and I will be home all summer so this routine will change but it works for now. They are getting sleepy around 6:45. We are putting them in their sleep sacks, giving them 6 oz bottles, and then putting them to bed in their cribs when they are done. SK was not a fan of the crib at first. We had to let her cry a little at first or rock her and then lay her down, but we stuck to it (yay us!) and now they both lay down awake and are soon sleeping! We do replace dropped pacis some nights, but they typically sleep 12 hours or until we wake them to eat in the morning. I am so thankful for the video monitor as they are upstairs now, but I am glad to have them in their cribs.
SEE ABOVE. I am worn out from talking about feeding. :)
They are eating. They are loving it. They are not gaining. Decision time.
Someone LOVES puffs.
Someone is not quite sure how to pick them up yet. poor buddy. |
They have added MumMums, puffs and frozen waffles to their menu.
Our schedule looks something like this:
6:00 am: Nurse
9:30-10:00 am Bottles at the sitter's house, oatmeal and fruit
1:00 pm Bottles at the sitter's house & two cubes of food each (I pump at school)
4:30-5:00 pm Nurse after school
5:30 pm- Two and a half cubes of food each
7:00 pm 6 oz bottle before bed
10:00 pm ish- I pump before I go to bed.
Well, buddy you may not have gained much weight this month but you sure have gained so much personality! You are such an easy going boy. There is not much that gets you upset. You have a smile that is showstopping. You have been talking up a storm. You babble all the time. You do a whole lot of da da da da da and your daddy thinks you are talking to him. I just love hearing your little voice. You do so great sleeping in your own bed! You have been known to talk yourself to sleep and snuggle your lovey. You are working on sitting up, but you are starting to roll all over the place. You are likely to watch and take it all in and then tell us all about it. You love to eat all fruits and are still not 100% sold on those darn veggies!
Sister, you are a wild woman. You are EVERYWHERE these days. You do not stay in one spot for very long. You roll all across the floor and get stuck in some pretty funny places. You sit up in your rock and play and pull up in your car seat. If you are not strapped in, watch out world! You might have even rolled off the bed this month teaching us just how mobile you really are. yikes! You have almost mastered the whole idea of sitting up. You can do it unassisted for quite a long time if you choose to. You love to eat and we have not found much that you do not like. You are quite the charmer, you like things your way, and you can be cranky when you are tired. Yes, that is right young lady- you are me made over! ha! :)
Happy 7 months sweeties!!!