It has been awhile since I have linked up with
Jamie but I thought I would try to make time today since there is so much I am loving these days! My list may be random but hey my life is a little crazy these days and many of the things on this list make my life easier and just make me smile. So here is what I am lovin' today:
I AM LOVING that it is fall in The Bluegrass. That means cooler temps, tall boots, sweaters, leggings,pumpkin picking, apple orchards, trick or treat, changing leaves and all that comes with fall. I am reminded every year at this time why it is my favorite season.
I AM LOVING these pictures from our buddy Jack's 3rd birthday at the apple orchard. It was the Saturday before the twins were born and I never blogged about it, but I have so many wonderful pictures of our little family of 3 before we grew to a family of 5 a few short days later.
I AM LOVING a few baby products that we did not have with Clark that have made my life so much easier with the twins. If you are having a baby I would highly recommend any of these products.
1. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. I was a little skeptical at first, but have since fallen in love with them. We have four, but I would love some more!
LOVE these blankets. They are perfect for swaddling. |
2. Double Blessings Twin Nursing Pillow. This thing is HUGE and I was also a little skeptical about it at first too because it cost so much and I was not sure that I would be able to nurse them both. Well, I found mine at a consignment sale and they are nursing like little champs so I am soooooo glad that I have this gem. If you are expecting twins I would highly recommend this too!
We have the brown one. |
3. DON'T LAUGH. Okay, you can laugh. Stuart and I laughed at it when I bought it too, but this little item has been a great thing! The Medela Pump Bra. It allows me to dry my hair, blog, check email, and put on makeup all while pumping. I have been pumping daily and at first I was pumping after each feeding too and I found it to be terribly lonely locked in the bedroom hooked up to a machine, but this has helped so much. I can do something else while pumping and it makes the time go by so much faster.
No, this is not me! :) |
4. Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. THIS IS A LIFE SAVER. The twins sleep so well in these. They are light weight and they fold up so we are able to move them from room to room. During the day they nap in them in the living room and this is also where they sleep at night. We have one on either side of our bed. We used a pack and play for Clark while he slept in our room, but he HATED sleeping flat. These guys sleep so well and because of that I want to buy one of these for every person I know that is having a baby.
No, those are not models. Those are my tiny babies in there.
I AM LOVING these cuties in their Halloween jammies from Grammy and SK in her HUGE candy corn hairbow from our friend Erika.
Pretty sure Shepard is scared of Sara Kate's LARGE bow. Poor kid. |
I AM LOVING watching my big boy as a big brother. He loves his little brother and sister and is doing so much better at helping mommy and daddy and loving the babies. I still find it hard to believe that I have THREE kids and that they are all mine. Not sure what I did to deserve such blessings, but I am so thankful each day for all that we have.
I AM LOVING this picture I took yesterday. As a reading teacher I thought it was appropriate that we have reading group at home! ha! Well, I did send it to school to show my 5th graders and I hope they got a kick out of it too.
Shepard summarizing the story in reading group yesterday!
I AM LOVING my newest facebook addiction.
Blue Door Boutique. I found this page from Kelly at
Kelly's Korner Blog and I am loving all they have. I have not ordered anything yet, but I may or may not have filled my cart a few times, just not completed my order just yet. But I do love looking at all the pretty dresses and adorable fall clothes.
All pictures are from their facebook page. |
This post only took me ALL DAY because around here every time I turn around it is time to feed babies, but it is finally done! I hope you are having a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY.