My sweeties are 1/2 a year old. OHMY! 1/2 year already!?! It seems like yesterday that I posted
HERE. I thought time flew with Clark, but this second time around things are even faster- shew! These guys are growing so much. They are getting bigger, smarter and stronger each day. We are growing smarter and stronger as parents too. This month we have had some wild weather, Stuart turned 30, we have been watching lots of basketball, shopping consignment sales and gearing up for spring.
Here are the stats of our little ones this month:
Shepard- about 14lbs. (5.1 at birth)
We go to the doctor on Wednesday for the 6 month well visit.
Sara Kate- about 15lbs. (5.11 at birth)
(as of 1/19/12)- This is from the 4 month visit. I KNOW they are longer.
Shepard: 24.5 inches (up from 17 at birth)
Sara Kate: 24.5 inches (up from 18 at birth)
Diaper Size:
Shepard: Size 2
(barely- as soon as we are out of 2s we are moving up to 3s)
Sara Kate: Size 2
(barely- as soon as we are out of 2s we are moving up to 3s)
Clothing Size:
Shepard: 3-6 month and 6 months.
Sara Kate: mostly 6 months but I have been washing some 9 month summer stuff because it is HOT.
They have been sleeping great. We have been putting them to bed around 7:30 and waking them up at 6:00 to eat before I go to work each morning. Bedtime has been getting earlier and earlier these days. They have been rubbing their eyes and getting sleepy around 7:00 so we have been nursing, swaddling and going to bed about 7:30. When I say bed I mean in the Rock and Play Sleepers beside our bed. Yes, they are 6 months old and still in our room. SO TONIGHT we moved the Rock and Plays upstairs to their room. We have been up there three times in the last 20 minutes to replace dropped pacis. We don't have school tomorrow so it is my goal to get them in cribs this weekend. We will see how this goes. They just sleep so well in our room I am so nervous about how this is all going to go. I guess we will see.
Can you spy my sweeties on the monitor? |
Big changes this month!! We are still breast milk only, but we have added all sorts of solids to our routine! I posted
HERE about making my own baby food and we are still doing that. So far they have had carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas and apples. Sara Kate was all about the food from day one and Shep has just started to come around in the last few days. Today he cried because we were not shoveling it in fast enough. I am thinking we are going to drag the highchairs out this weekend too.
Our schedule looks something like this:
6:00 am: Nurse
9:30-10:00 am Bottles at the sitter's house & rice cereal (I pump at school)
1:00 pm Bottles at the sitter's house & one cube of food each (I pump at school)
4:30-5:00 pm Nurse after school
5:30 pm- One to one and a half cubes of food each
7:00-7:30 pm Nurse before bed
10:00 pm ish- I pump before I go to bed.
I mentioned last month that I am pumping before bed to store because I am going to be on a class trip at the end of the month and I need 250 oz frozen. Well, I am slowly but surely getting there. We leave on the 27th and I need about 75 more oz. I think I can... I think I can...
Sheppy is doing great. We don't think he has gained much weight since last month. I know he has grown longer, but I think he is still weighing about 14 lbs. We will find out next week for sure. He is a little smiley guy and quite the day brightener. He lets you know when he is hungry and we are pretty sure the whole block knows when he is hungry. He is starting to move around a little more during floor time. He works hard to get to the toys he wants to play with. He can roll from back to belly and belly to back, but it has to be something he really wants! He would much rather just lay and watch the action than be part of it. He still has quite the love affair with his paci. He can pick it up and put it in his own mouth. He has yet to learn how to defend himself from his sister who is a known paci thief, but we are working on it. He loves to be fully swaddled which makes replacing his own paci at night a problem. We are going to have to make a plan for this since they are now upstairs and he is not right next to my side of the bed.

SK is also doing great. She is our wild child. We are pretty sure she is going to have a permanent spot in timeout. If it is in her reach you had better watch out. She is a grabber. She loves anything she can get her hands on. Thanks to her I am going to have to spend a small fortune to child-proof this house. She sits in her Bumbo now and just grabs. She has knocked over a plant, my diet coke and a bag of almonds in a 5 minute span. She is so funny. We lay them in the floor and surround them with toys to encourage them to roll over and play. She is EVERYWHERE. She honestly looks like she is trying to crawl. She log rolls to get what she wants. It is so funny and Shep just watches her go. She has the cutest little grin. She wakes up with it and if you flash a smile her way you get an even bigger one right back. She is loving all the new foods and even tried to sit up the other day.

There is never a dull moment around this house. I am thinking it is going to be that way for a long time. But who am I kidding, I hate dull moments and I can't sit still long so these guys could not be more of a perfect fit for us.
It is a basketball kind of weekend around here. We just saw our CATS beat WKU and we are hoping for lots more wins in the future. Even the little Snyders are in on the action.
Here's hoping the babies sleep all night in their room!!