Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Big Brother Certified.

Well, hello all!! It has been a crazy few weeks around here. School has started and I LOVE 5th grade so far. My kids are great, my team is wonderful and I think I am adjusting pretty well. On the first day of school I had my 30 week ultrasound and on the second day of school we moved into our new house! So as you can see we have been beyond busy. Tonight I made myself sit down and do nothing! I have not done that in a while due to all the goings on. I have no read blogs or posted. I have so many things to share like pictures of my classroom and school things, pictures of the new house and fun stories from the whole adventure and my 29, 30 and 31 week pregnancy updates. So choosing where to even begin with the updates took some thought, but I decided to share something super cute from this weekend.

On Sunday Clark had his Big Brother class at the hospital. We thought it would be a good idea for him to learn all he could about his upcoming job if becoming a double big brother in the next few weeks. When we got there he was not so sure about the whole idea. All the kids were supposed to bring a doll or a teddy bear. Clark brought both Mickeys since he is having two babies. He stood at the door for a while and did not really want to talk to any or participate at first, but by the end he was all involved.  I am pretty sure he was the youngest one there because the class was for ages 3-7 and many of the kids were very knowledgeable on all things baby and then there was Clark- only interested in dancing around swinging Mickey in the air until he finally got the hang of things.

The class began with the instructor reading a book all about when the baby comes. Then they got to make a gift for their new brother or sister. Clark got to make two! One for his brother and one for his sister! It was quite cute and he loved it. They made little picture frames and Clark made sure to put pink stickers on Sara Kate's. It was very sweet.  After gift making, they all sat in a circle and talked about all things baby. There were words like uterus and breast used, but Clark had no idea what to think.  They talked about the belly button and she showed them pictures of what it will look like and how not to touch it or play with it. She also had a doll with a soft spot and she let all the kids touch it. They talked about being careful with the baby. After all the discussion, they practiced putting on diapers. Clark was VERY into this and even asked her for help. I must say I was pretty impressed with his diapering abilities and I am hoping that he remembers them in a month or so because I am going to need all hands on deck!
After the diapering lesson we all got to go to the nursery to see the babies and we even got to see a room like one where I will be in he comes to the hospital to see us. It was a fun afternoon and I hope he learned a thing or two. I am so in love with my big boy and it is my prayer that he adjusts to his new role well- I hope we all adjust to our new roles well!

Clark and Daddy working on the gifts for Shepard & Sara Kate.

He LOVED using the glue stick.

The finished product. They are on the fridge waiting for pictures of cute babies!

Notice how C was not so sure about the whole idea.

My BIG BOY diapering Mickey.


Daddy got some practice with "baby Mickey".

Getting his certificate. He is officially ready to be a BIG BROTHER.

The best I could do. He did not understand the concept of posing with a piece of paper.

On our hospital tour.

Checking out the babies. Clark LOVED this part. So did I!
It was a fun afternoon and we did enjoy watching our boy act big. We know he will be a wonderful big brother to our new additions. I just can't wait to see him try.


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