This month has been so much fun with these little ones. They are getting so big and smiling more and more each day. They are on a pretty good schedule and typically eat and sleep about around the same times. Right about their 3 month birthday they began to sleep longer stretches. SK will sleep all night most nights and Shepard usually requires one late night or middle of the night feeding. I have stopped waking SK in the middle of the night when Shep eats because we have learned she does not need it and will sleep right through him eating and she will be able to last until morning or when he eats again. We are not worried about this because the girl does not look to be starving! :)
I did go back to work the first of December and they did great. My mom stayed with us the first week and that was so nice to just leave in the morning and go to work knowing she was here with them and they were being well taken care of. The second week a friend of ours came to our house each morning and kept them and that was great too. It made my transition back to work so much easier because I did not have to worry about getting them up, dressed and out the door in the morning. I could leave them sleeping and just get myself out the door since Stuart took Clark to the sitter. They were all usually sleeping as I made my 6:45 am exit. I have been off since the 16th for Christmas break and go back to work on January 2nd. Starting then they will be going to the sitter each day with Clark. This may be a transition that may take a week or so to adjust too, but I know we will manage. We love our sitter and I know they will adjust well, I am just going to have to get up much earlier to get all 3 of them fed, dressed and out the door by 6:45. ohmy!
Without further ado, here are their 3 month stats:
Weights: (as of 12/14/11)
Shepard- 12lbs. 4oz. (up from 9lbs. 9oz on 11/11/11)
Sara Kate- 12lbs. 9 oz. (up from 9lbs. 13oz. on 11/11/11)
Lengths: (as of 11/11/11- we have not been to the doctor since)
Shepard: 20.5 inches (up from 17 at birth)
Sara Kate: 20.5 inches (up from 18 at birth)
Diaper Size:
Shepard: Size 2
Sara Kate: Size 2
They moved to size two so fast that I have about 450 size one diapers left. I hope someone will let me exchange them or up size them. WalMart:? CVS? I am going to try this week, and I will be trading them for size 3.
Clothing Size:
Shepard: 3 months, and 3-6 months.
Sara Kate: 3-6 months and some 6 months.
I have sadly already packed up an entire tote of things they have outgrown. Today I am going to add all of their cute Christmas outfits to it. I honestly cannot believe how big they are getting.
They are great little sleepers. (knock on wood) They have learned to sleep longer stretches at night and take good naps during the day. We are still swaddling them and they are still sleeping in their Rock and Play Sleepers beside our bed. We have not made the transition to the cribs yet mostly because their cribs are upstairs and we are lazy. ha! We enjoy being able to feed, change and put them back in bed without getting out of ours. Also Shepard is such a little paci lover. If his paci falls out at night he loses his mind. I have slept many nights lately with my hand on his paci keeping it in his mouth. We usually feed them between 8:30-9:30 at night and Sara Kate will sleep until we wake her at 5:30 to eat before I get ready for work. Shepard on the other hand usually eats one extra time in between there at least 3 times a week. Sara Kate LOVES to nap in the swing and Shepard prefers to nap in his Rock and Play or anytime anyone hold him.
They have still not had any formula. They are doing wonderfully nursing- much better than I ever thought we would do. I have been pumping two times during the day at work and feeding them as soon as I get home. Still eating on schedule every three hours. I am thinking they eat about 4-5 ounces each time, because that is what satisfies them when I pump and give them bottles. Everyday that we make it nursing I feel like it is a small victory.
Aka: Shep, Shep Star, Sheperino, Little Brother, PeeWee and many more.
Shep has become our more dramatic child. He knows when he wants to eat and won't take no for an answer! ha! He is an every three hour on the dot kind of boy. He loves to eat, sleep and he LOVES his paci. He loves his paci so much that many nights he will not sleep without it. He is quite the charmer and has been flashing his big toothless grin all the time. It is so cute!!! He has also become very chatty and after he eats he coos and tells me all kinds of stories. Such a sweet boy.
AKA: SK, Sugar Bean, Sister Bear, Sis, Sister Girl, Katie Sue, and many more.
Sara Kate has become our laid back child. She usually eats second because she is much more patient than her brother. She rarely cries unless she is starving, hurt or wayyyy tired. She loves to sleep in the swing and has become quite the little Bumbo lady. She loves to sit up (assisted of course) and look around. She is very interested in what is going on around her. She loves to dress up (okay, okay, I love to dress her up!) and wear bows. She has been sleeping all night and is usually all smiles in the morning when she wakes up. She has such a great disposition and like her brother she has a darling little smile. She does not talk quite as much as her little brother, but she will coo for us every now and then. She likes her paci, but can do without it too. She is such a sweetie pie.
They really are happy little babes and we are enjoying them more each day. It has been an adjustment going from a family of 3 to a family of 5, but I think we have done well so far!