I don't know about you, but we are getting ready for state testing here in the Bluegrass State. My third graders have 10 days coming up of showing off all of the things we have learned this year. YES- 10 DAYS!This time of year is nerve racking time for me as I have no control over what my kids write down on the test, my hope is that they remember some of the stuff we have gone over and put fourth their best effort. 10 days of testing is a whole lot when you are 29, let alone when you are 9!
So to help them stay motivated the duration our tested grades (3-5) are teamed up with a non-tested grade (k-2) as testing buddies. The buddies provide motivators for our kids such as cards, posters, notes and cheers. We have a testing pep rally this Friday where we will have a motivating guest speaker and a pep talk for all our kids. Once the pep rally is over we return to our classrooms and they have usually been decorated by our testing buddies and they are there waiting for us to cheer us on! The kids really love this. But to keep the motivation going throughout the 10 day period we have little motivators for them each day. Our testing pal class this year is a 2nd grade class. The teacher and I worked to come up with some cute little treats for the kids. Here are some examples of what we have come up with so far.
(These are pictures with my phone again- not best quality)
Don't be nervous! Give your all on the test.
Have a KISS because you are truly the best!! |
Be a SMARTIE on the test.
Do your best today!! |
Chocolate Covered Eggs
We know you will do an EGGellent job today if you give 100%. |
Extra Gum
Give a little EXTRA on the test today. |
Don't forget to use your Open Response attack skills.
They can be LIFESAVERS. |
Use your head. Don't leave any blanks! |
Berry Fruit Snacks
You are doing BERRY well. Keep up the good work!! |
Be a testing STAR today! We know you can do it. |
We printed the little notes on card stock and put them in cute little baskets. One of her kids will deliver the treats each morning before we begin the test. I know it is candy and not super healthy, but the kids really love feeling like someone cares about how they do on the test. We have 3 more days to come up with and we are thinking bananas one morning with something like "Don't let testing drive you bananas- give your best today!". Our PTO also provides FREE breakfast each morning to all kids in testing grades. So hopefully with pep talks, full bellies and special treats- (OH YEA- and all the WONDERFUL things I have taught them this year) they will be ready to do their best on the test!
What kinds of things go on in your building during testing?