Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Day Play by Play

I don't know about you, but sports are a common theme in the Snyder household. I go to bed many nights with a game of some kind on the TV, and many mornings wake up to the friendly announcers of Sports Center. I am use to the play by play action and the recaps of all of the previous games. It is just something I have become accustomed to and I now find myself interested in. So, today being shockingly ANOTHER SNOW DAY, I thought you might be interested in a play by play of our day!

Yes, we had another snow day today. This making it very clear that my 3rd graders and I will be making Father's Day gifts and I am already coming up with ideas for our 4th of July classroom party! :) To be honest I have lost track of what # snow day this is and when our true last day will be. So to remember all the fun my little man and I have had to last few days I thought I would recap. Remember, I am doing this blog as a journal of our lives so that one day we can look back and remember what life was like. So here it goes!

After breakfast (at 8:45!) we played with ALL our cars,
trucks, planes, any type of transportation you can think of!
9:15 We let Elmo (our best buddy) try out our favorite car ramp!

9:30 We found some more CARS to play with!
Do you notice a common theme?
He loves ANYTHING with wheels these days!

9:35 We lined up all of our favs on the coffee table.
(One of our favorite things to do!)

10:00 ish: Stopped every now and then for a Dora or Elmo break!
(These breaks usually only happen if there is singing on the TV)

10:15 ish: Of course we had quality time with the big brother!
Today we practiced sharing.
1. Notice Barney's WAY short haircut!
2. Sharing = giving Barney a toy and then yelling until he gives it back.

10:30 ish:We decided we should bathe!
(Since I could not remember the last time he had a bath for sure!)

We practiced our Colonel Sanders look!

11:00: We had a little lunch.
(Notice, we are VERY EXCITED to find the mouse on the plate!)
By this time he is really confused why I am STILL taking his picture!

11:30 Halftime, I mean naptime!
(Today he slept from 11:30-2:15)

Naptime is my big adventure...TO THE MAILBOX!

Naptime is also when I got some quality time with my portfolio.
I really knocked out some Entry 1 today! Way to go me!

2:15: So excited to be awake! I was excited to see him too!

The question is:
Did you grow while you were sleeping?
He looks so BIG!

3:00 We went to see our friend Jack!
I had a meeting at school and Jack's mommy watched the big guy!

Jack showed us how to use his new vacuum!

These boys don't need sunshine to mow or go for wagon rides!

5:30 We had to say goodbye and THANK YOU to Jack!
It was so much fun!

6:15 Dinner!
Quite the buffett of peanut butter crackers, peaches, pretzels & carrots!

6:45: Took a walk in Daddy's shoes.
(It kind of looks like he is skiing for gold!)

7:00 Jammies and some kitchen dancing to our fridge DJ.

7:30 **Kisses** all around and time for bed.

Night Night big guy!
So there you have it folks! Our day play by play! Exciting I know. I really do have so much fun staying home with him. We don't get much done, but we sure do enjoy it. We still do not know if we get to do it again tomorrow or not! We shall see! If we do have school, I hope my 3rd graders want to play cars and watch Elmo, because that is about all I know how to do these days!
Gotta go watch Idol! Night!!
~ Abby


  1. Looks like a great day to me! What a joy to watch him via photos!

  2. Great pics! Looks like you have really enjoyed our days off!

  3. Great, I feel like I spent the day with you! I wish I needed a snot grabber.


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