Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Play Dough Adventure!

Yesterday, I tested my mad mommy skills and made homemade play dough. I found a great website: http://www.familycorner.com/ and found many different kinds of play dough recipes to make. I had to find one that was edible being that the big man LOVES to put things in his mouth! The other challenge was to find the one with things we had in the pantry and I did.

What you need:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 pkg. kool-aid mix
3 tsp of cream of tarter (we used 1 1/2 tsp vinegar)
1 cup water
1 tbs cooking oil

You mix all dry before adding wet ingredients. Then cook on the stove until dough forms. After dough forms, you place on a bread board or the counter and knead until smooth. Once it cools enjoy! Then you can store it in an airtight container for more fun later!

It was successful and we enjoyed it! The fun lasted all of 20 minutes before we were on to the next activity! However, it does keep so we will be playing with it again. If you try it or have a better one let me know. We are always open to new snow day activities around here.



  1. Awesome pictures, Abby! You're a rockin' Mama! :)

  2. I always wondered if you had a blog! Whenever I searched for one, I couldn't find it! Did you just start one?

    It amazes me all we had in common through your comments, I wondered if you really existed! (i.e. Little boys around the same age, teachers, Kentuckians...) Ha!

    Glad you like the CD!


    Abby! I do exist! Yes, I am new blogger. Being snowed in has caused me to give it a try. I am trying to figure out all of the tricks and how to do things. This is only day 2 of this for me so give me some time to figure things out. :)
    I love reading your blog!

  4. I will be trying this my next free weekend...which may not be until May but I want to see what Blake will do with it! Love it!


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