So today we are out of school again! I am not that happy about it because I was going to video tape a lesson today for my portfolio! I have got to get it done on Monday!! I got up and took a shower and was getting dressed when I saw on TV we were out. So, I laid back in bed thinking that Clark would be up soon. At 9:15 (3hours later) I woke up. Clark still sound asleep and Barney had taken Stuart's place in the bed! I could not believe it...9:15! Not a time I usually get to sleep to anymore. So I got up and made some toast and turned on the Today Show (which I never get to do!). I enjoyed a breakfast and catching up on Olympic activity with Matt and Al. At 10:00 C man was still asleep! I began to get worried so I did the ole' check to see if he was breathing thing! ha! He was of course. I was just curious because the child went to bed at 7:45 and at 10:00 am he is still snoozing! Finally, at 10:20 he got up! He was so happy and all smiles.
I just love that little guy and love to see that smile first thing!
So, it being Thursday and all I decided to try to link up to Things I Love Thursdays. I just did a post a few days ago about things I love (THE NOSEFRIDA), and I am doing this blog as a journal, so I decided to make this about things C loves! He is 20 months old and doing and saying something new everyday. He has the best personality! He is usually very easy going, (like his daddy) loves to sleep (like his mommy), and loves to help around the house. We laugh with him everyday.
So, this is C's TOP TEN.
The ten things he is really into these days. (This week anyway)
A Toddler Top 10:
10. My daddy!
He is lots of fun.
(of course I love my mommy too, but how could she
be in a picture with me? She takes them all!)
If the laundry room door is open, that is where you can find me.
I love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. and I LOVE this song.
I love reading to my big brother! I even like to show him the pictures.
(Can you tell my mommy is a teacher?ha!)
6. Brushing my teeth!
(I could do it ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.)
5. Diowas! (aka dinosaurs)
I love diowas. I really like the show Dinosaur Train.
It combines two of my favorite things, diowas and choo-choos!
4. My tractor
well... cars, trucks or anything with wheels.
I like to give everyone a turn to drive!
3. My kitchen
I like to stir, make pizzas for mom & make a mess.
I also love the broom pictured!

2. The Guy Guys (aka The Wiggles)
They are my favorite. I now have this car to prove it.
My mommy got it for me last week for $4.99 at a consignment store because I screamed until she bought it. Thanks mommy!

I love ELMO. I love to carry him everywhere, feed him, put him on the potty to peepee, give him rides in my block wagon, read to him. He is top on my list. I just love this funny red guy.

So I tried to "interview" C about his favorite things.
As you watch, notice how I tried to make it Real World style in the confessional room (or bathroom). I have tried ALL MORNING to get this video to rotate clockwise, but I did give up. So you will just have to turn your head to enjoy my little man telling you, in his own words things he LOVES.
PS-I would LOVE advice on how to rotate it!