Well, of course they did and I am so glad. Something clicked with him after Christmas and he started doing so well. He was writing words, naming all the continents, naming the oceans, talking about photosynthesis and sounding out everything. I was impressed and loved picking him up everyday to hear about his day. Yes, most days I had to drag him off the playground, and yes there were still whiny days but he loved it. I loved it and I was so glad we made the decision to send him there. One of the best days this year was the Mother's Day Tea.
The Mother's Day Tea was so special for me as my first Mother's Day school event. I have always made gifts with my students to send home for their moms but have never been on the receiving end. It was so much fun. They spent so much time on all the gifts and Clark was so proud of the whole event. It started with a sweet invitation written by him. He brought home the invitation and asked me to wear a fancy dress and asked if he could wear a tie! GASP! (I wish his daddy would take some notes). It was adorable and I knew the day would be so adorable. It did not disappoint.
The tea was during my lunch and recess time at school so I got to go without worrying about sub plans which was great! I walked over to his school and all the other moms were gathering on the playground. We were asked to wait until we were escorted in. It was so cute. Each child came out one by one to get their mommas. Some were shy and sweet and some were bounding out of the door yelling. I might have been that mom that teared up when my guy in a tie waltzed out to pick me up. I might have had flash forwards to him in high school and flashbacks to him as a baby all at the same time. I am not sugar coating it when I say it was special.
They sang to us, they served us food, they did not eat until we ate. It was adorable. Clark told me all the things on my plate that he helped cut, and pour and mix. Am I crazy to think this was so cute? He ate so quickly so that I would finish and open my gifts. The gifts were handmade, he wrapped them in wrapping paper he made. It was too much. Seriously there should be Montessori School for dads. Mrs. Michelle are you listening? Have a dads camp next summer. k? It was a special day and I was so glad I was able to spend it with my big guy.
People ask me all the time if he will be in kindergarten in the fall. The answer is no. He turned 5 on 6/12 and could go. But he will not be going. He will be going back to his amazing school with his loving teachers for another year of preschool and then most likely will stay the next year for kindergarten and public school will wait until he is 7. That could all change with my new job and other things, but as for this coming school year he will still be a preschooler and I get at least one more tea.
FYI My computer is fixed! I need a new battery, but I have a long list of blog posts to catch up on including new job, 5th birthday Lego party, Summer Fun and more. I am hoping to crank out a few more this week! :) Yay! So glad some of you have hung around and even read this post!